
Association of Phoneticians and Phonologists in Nigeria

The Association of Phoneticians and Phonologists in Nigeria was founded in 2019.  The founding President is Professor Taiwo Olayemi Soneye of the Department of English, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

The Association enjoys the Trusteeship of top-rated Scholars in the fields of Phonetics and Phonology. Prof Munzali Jibril is the Chairman, Board of Trustees, while Prof Inyang Udofot is the Secretary. See APPN Membership for more.

The Association has members in more than sixty higher institutions of learning in Nigeria and in some established Nigerian media organisations. 
The Association is duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission ( CAC) and its many members have been contributing significantly to teaching and research in the areas of phonological sciences and elocution in English as a second or third language studies, Nigerian languages, Pidgin and French ( see details on members research profiles). The Association has also been organising workshops on pronunciations for secondary and primary school teachers and newsreaders in radio and television houses in Nigeria.

The Association has benefited immensely from collaborations with international resource persons in Phonology and related fields across the world, who have served as keynote speakers, discussants and lead paper Presenters at her annual conferences which hold between April and May.

Journal Publication

Peer to Peer Review

Peer to peer review of Member Journals

Document Proofreading

Proofreading for member documents

Educative Conferences and Research Opportunites

Members can attend educative conferences and gain research knowledge and opportunites


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A professional team of experienced and competent specialists.

Professor Inyang Udofot

Secretary, Board of Trustees

Professor C.U.C. Ugorji

Vice President

Dr Mfon Brownson Ekpe


Shiyanbade Basheerat
